1. Institute of Finance subordinated to the Ministry of Finance, Vietnam, was established under Decision No 120/2001/ QD-TTg dated August 17th, 2001 of the Prime Minister by integrating the Hanoi University of Finance and Accounting (founded in 1963), the Finance Research Institution (founded in 1961) and the Financial Training Center (founded in 1995).
Institute of Finance now has headquarters in Hanoi, a branch in Ho Chi Minh City and a branch in Da Nang city.
2. Institute of Finance''s tasks are
- to train financial and accounting experts at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
- to provide in-service training and retraining programs for financial and accounting staff over the country.
- to conduct scientific research and management technology in finance and accounting.
3. Organization
- Working staff: 590, including 350 lecturers.
- Number of Students (academic year 2001 - 2002):
Full-time: 6,000
Part-time: 8,000
Master and Ph.D.: 300
- Academic activities: Institute of Finance provides the following programs of training:
Full-time courses: Bachelor: 4 years.
Master program: 2 years for those who have Bachelor''s degree.
Ph.D. program: 2 years for those who have Master''s degree.
4 years for those who have Bachelor''s degree.
- Majors of training:
Finance - Banking: Code: 5 02 09
Accounting: Code: 5 02 11
with 7 specialities: Public Finance Management, Taxation, International Finance, Business Finance, Insurance, Banking and Accounting.
- Institute of Finance has
08 faculties:
Faculty of General Education
Faculty of Public Finance
Faculty of International Finance
Faculty of Business Finance
Faculty of Accounting
Faculty of Banking and Insurance
Faculty of Post Graduate
Faculty of Continuing Education
Institute of Finance Science
Two centers:
Financial training center
Information and Library center
Finance Magazine
300,000 volumes of books
150 titles of magazines and newspapers
1,500 other publications
4. Periodical magazines issued by Institute of Finance:
- Finance Magazine (once a month)
- Finance and Accounting Research Periodical (six times a year)
- Scientific Research Periodical (ten times a year)
- International Economics and Finance News (once a week)
5. International Co-operation
With the aim of improving the quality of training and scientific research, Institute of Finance pays special and continuous attention to expanding international co-operation.
Currently, Institute of Finance has co-operation and relationships with many foreign universities and institutions in training, research and supporting students as follows:
- Saint - Petersburg Economics University (Russian Federation)
- Academy of Finance under the Russian Government (Russian Federation)
- Belarus Economics University (Belarus Republic)
- Jonkoping International Business School, Jonkoping University (Sweden)
- The University of QuÐbec in Montreal (UQµM - Canada)
- Academy of Monetary Finance, China’s Remin University (P. R. China)
- The Central University of Finance and Economics (P. R. China)
- Quangxi Financial College (P. R. China) and we are
implementing 03 international projects:
- ASSUR project, sponsored by the Union of Insurance companies, which assists in training and refreshing knowledge in insurance.
- DIREG project (Development Assistance Program in Management in Vietnam), sponsored by the Government of Canada. The partner is the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQµM - Canada).
- QIG project - Library: upgrade and modernize the library of Institute of Finance./.
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