1. A Brief Introduction
Hanoi National University (HNU) was established in accordance with Decree No.97/CP, dated December 10th, 1993 by the Government, and has been reorganized in accordance with Decree No.14/2001/QD-TTg, dated February 12, 2001 by the Government, which unified some leading universities, including the former University of Hanoi with the University of Indochina as its predecessor established in 1904.
HNU is a large multi-disciplinary higher educational institution and research center of excellence. HNU is entrusted with the task of producing qualified human resources for the industrialization and modernization of the country. HNU holds a special position in the system of tertiary education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, operates according to a special regulation promulgated by the Prime Minister with Decision No.16/2001/QD-TTg, dated February 12, 2001.This Decree defines that HNU reports directly to the Prime Minister, has the high autonomy in organization-personnel, training programs, science-technology, planning-finance, international relations and other fields. HNU is entitled to work directly with ministries, ministerial level organizations, government bodies, people’s committees of central cities and provinces concerning affairs related to HNU. HNU’s colleges and institutes maintain their juridical person status of a higher education and scientific research institution like all other universities and colleges outside HNU. With the history of over 45 years of development, HNU’s colleges have played a special role in education and training, in cultural and socio-economic development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; and have produced a lot of leading scientists, politicians, management personnel and specialists in various fields.
2. Missions
- To produce a contingent of highly qualified scientists, educators and technologists, develop talented human resources for the country; HNU should be a national leading and prestigious institution of excellence for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate training, scientific research and technology transfer thus being on a par with great and famous institutions in the region and in the world;
- To carry out scientific and research technology development with special attention to fundamental research, education science, advanced technologies and economic fields in close combination with training and to apply the results of this research to production and everyday life;
- To participate in the development of national policies and strategy on education, training, science and technology;
- To provide academic support to other universities and colleges throughout the country.
3. Organization
(i) HNU’s Council:
Prof.Dr.Sc. Dao Trong Thi
(ii) President and Vice-Presidents:
Prof. Dr.Sc. Dao Trong Thi
Prof. Nguyen Duc Chinh
For Scientific Research & Technology
and International Relations
Prof. Pham Quang Long
For Planning-Finance & Physical Facilities
Prof. Mai Trong Nhuan
For Academic Affairs
(iii) Colleges, Faculties and Schools
- College of Natural Sciences
- College of Social Sciences and Humanities
- College of Foreign Languages
- Faculty of Technology
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Education
- School of Business
- School of Graduate Studies
- Vietnam-Russia International School
(iv) Research Institutes and Centers
- Information Technology Institute
- Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
- Center for Biotechnology
- Center for Vietnamese and Intercultural Studies
- Center for Educational Quality Assurance and Research
- Training Center for Teachers of Political Theory
- Center for Systems Development
- Center for Women’s Studies
- Center for Co-operation in Mechanics Training
- Asia Research Center
(v) Functional Departments
- Administration Office
- Organization-Personnel Department
- International Relations Department
- Academic Affairs Department
- Science & Technology Department
- Planning-Finance Department
- Political-Students Affairs Department
- Capital Construction Department
- Inspection Department
(vi) Service Units
- Center for Information and Library
- Center for Student Residence
- Center for Ecological and Environmental Education in Ba Vi
- HNU Publishing House
- HNU Printing House
- HNU Journal of Science
- HNU Bulletin
(vii) Organizational Structure
(viii) HNU Statistics
Colleges, faculties and schools: 10
Institutes and research centers: 10
- Staff: 3,190
Out of which, the faculty is 1,548, which consists of:
· Professors: 99
· Associate professors: 222
· Doctors of Science: 49
· Ph.D. holders: 447
· Masters: 428
- Students: 52,517
· Undergraduate students: 47,660
Full-time: 16,875
Part-time: 30,765
· Graduate students: 1,578
· High school students: 1,069
· Gifted school students: 2,210
4. Location
At present, HNU has three campuses, located at the following addresses:
(i) 19, Le Thanh Tong Street (in the center of Hanoi);
(ii) 144, Xuan Thuy Road, Cau Giay (in the North West of Hanoi);
(iii) Thuong Dinh and Me Tri, 334-336 Nguyen Trai Road, Hanoi (in the West of Hanoi).
Apart from these locations, the University has also acquired 1,000 hectares in Hoa Lac, Thach That district, Ha Tay province. This area is located approximately 30 km to the North-West of Hanoi. This is being developed to meet the current demand for training and research facilities for HNU, with its projected full-time student body totalling 40,000 students.
5. Training
5.1. Training Programs
At present, HNU offers over 60 training disciplines according to two modes: full-time and part-time. Beside undergraduate training programs, HNU offers over 100 graduate and postgraduate training programs. In addition, HNU has a system of schools for gifted pupils in various fields. Beside Hanoi, HNU also offers its training undergraduate or graduate programs or joint training programs in other cities and provinces throughout the country.
The medium of instruction in HNU is Vietnamese. In joint training programs with foreign counterparts, HNU’s President decides to allow the medium of instruction to be foreign languages.
The duration of Master and Ph.D. training programs is 4 years, 2 years and from 2 to 4 years respectively.
Undergraduate programs require 210 credits, which must include:
· Common knowledge of the field of study;
· Common basic knowledge of specialization area;
· Specialized knowledge of the specialization.
5.2. Enrollment
(i) Undergraduate Training Programs
Students eligible for HNU’s undergraduate training programs must finish the upper-secondary programs or the vocational secondary programs and must pass the entrance examinations. Students from minority people’s families or from remote or disadvantaged areas are given priority in the enrollment process in accordance with a specific regulation by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Foreigners or overseas Vietnamese are also eligible for HNU’s undergraduate training programs if they have acquired the Certificate of General Education (Upper-secondary education, Graduation of Grade 12) or equivalents and if they have a good command of Vietnamese.
(ii) Master Training Programs
Students eligible for Master training programs must:
· Have a Bachelor’s Degree;
· Pass an entrance examination;
· Besides, excellent students can be automatically transferred to the Master training programs.
(iii) Doctoral/Ph.D. Training Programs
Students eligible for Doctoral/Ph.D. training programs must:
· Have a Master’s Degree; or
· Have a Bachelor’s Degree and have recorded excellent achievements in their study and research.
5.3 University Calendar
HNU follows a two-term calendar:
First term: begins in early September and ends in late January. This is followed by a two-week Tet holiday.
Second term: begins in Mid-February and ends in late June. A six-week Summer vacation starts in early July.
6. Scientific Research and Technology Transfer
HNU is not only a comprehensive training center of excellence but also a big center for scientific research with a contingent of experienced and highly qualified teaching staff and scientists. HNU is the focal point for science and technology in the sense that it can make plans for scientific and technological research and directly receives scientific and technological tasks from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Every year, the results of hundreds of scientific research projects at national level, HNU collegial level, ministerial level, which are highly appreciated, have been or are being applied to production and everyday life. A lot of scientific research projects within the framework of international co-operation are also highly evaluated and have made a contribution to the development of faculty/student exchanges and co-operation with international scientific and educational institutions. HNU has a system of research institutes and centers which have carried out research on important fields in the national strategic development, thus making an active contribution to scientific and technological development of the country.
7. International Relations
HNU has now developed close relationships and co-operation with about 100 higher education institutions, research institutes and educational organizations all over the world, particularly internationally recognized universities in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine,
the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and other countries.
These important linkages have contributed to the realization of the University’s important missions - excellence in training and research, which determines and improves its position, role and prestige worldwide.
Within fields that are mutually acceptable, the following general forms of co-operation might include:
· Visits by and exchange of undergraduate, graduate students for study and research;
· Visits by and interchange of staff for research, teaching and discussions;
· Exchange of information, library materials and research publications;
· Joint research activities;
· Provision of short-term academic programs for groups of students;
· Joint organization of national and international seminars, workshops, conferences;
Up to now, HNU has received many official visitors from different sectors and institutions in the world in order to identify the possibilities for establishing cooperative linkages with the University. The visits are then followed by the signing of memoranda of understanding proposing long-term co-operation and interests in upgrading manpower in various fields such as Information Technology, Business, Economics, Law, Environmental Science, Technology, Chemistry, New Materials, Social Sciences and Humanities.
On the basis of the mutually signed agreements, many large exchange and cooperative projects have been financially supported (12 major projects with the amount of 20,000,000 US dollars), developed and implemented thus helping to strengthen the development potential of HNU, improve its physical facilities and upgrade the qualification of its academic staff. HNU, yearly, sends a great number of faculty staff and researchers overseas for short-or long-term training courses, joint research projects, workshops and conferences. At the same time, local training courses, international/national workshops and conferences have been jointly organized between HNU and other sponsors, with the participation of experienced visiting professors. HNU also continuously receives students from Laos, Cambodia, USA, China, Ukraine, the Republic of Korea and Japan, etc., for short - or long-term courses and to do research in various fields. In addition, HNU has been provided important financial support and assistance from different international funds from USA, Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore and other countries for local and overseas scholarships for our best, but disadvantaged students (scholarships for local students: 81,600 USD/year).
Forging institutional links, HNU has become a member of regional associations such as AUN, AUAP, ASAIHL, ACEID, AUF, CONFRASIE, UMAP, etc… where common issues and concerns of higher education dealing with programs, resources and activities can be shared.
HNU encourages and appreciates further international linkages for mutual benefits and the overall development of higher education./.
Hanoi National University (HNU) was established in accordance with Decree No.97/CP, dated December 10th, 1993 by the Government, and has been reorganized in accordance with Decree No.14/2001/QD-TTg, dated February 12, 2001 by the Government, which unified some leading universities, including the former University of Hanoi with the University of Indochina as its predecessor established in 1904.
HNU is a large multi-disciplinary higher educational institution and research center of excellence. HNU is entrusted with the task of producing qualified human resources for the industrialization and modernization of the country. HNU holds a special position in the system of tertiary education of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, operates according to a special regulation promulgated by the Prime Minister with Decision No.16/2001/QD-TTg, dated February 12, 2001.This Decree defines that HNU reports directly to the Prime Minister, has the high autonomy in organization-personnel, training programs, science-technology, planning-finance, international relations and other fields. HNU is entitled to work directly with ministries, ministerial level organizations, government bodies, people’s committees of central cities and provinces concerning affairs related to HNU. HNU’s colleges and institutes maintain their juridical person status of a higher education and scientific research institution like all other universities and colleges outside HNU. With the history of over 45 years of development, HNU’s colleges have played a special role in education and training, in cultural and socio-economic development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; and have produced a lot of leading scientists, politicians, management personnel and specialists in various fields.
2. Missions
- To produce a contingent of highly qualified scientists, educators and technologists, develop talented human resources for the country; HNU should be a national leading and prestigious institution of excellence for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate training, scientific research and technology transfer thus being on a par with great and famous institutions in the region and in the world;
- To carry out scientific and research technology development with special attention to fundamental research, education science, advanced technologies and economic fields in close combination with training and to apply the results of this research to production and everyday life;
- To participate in the development of national policies and strategy on education, training, science and technology;
- To provide academic support to other universities and colleges throughout the country.
3. Organization
(i) HNU’s Council:
Prof.Dr.Sc. Dao Trong Thi
(ii) President and Vice-Presidents:
Prof. Dr.Sc. Dao Trong Thi
Prof. Nguyen Duc Chinh
For Scientific Research & Technology
and International Relations
Prof. Pham Quang Long
For Planning-Finance & Physical Facilities
Prof. Mai Trong Nhuan
For Academic Affairs
(iii) Colleges, Faculties and Schools
- College of Natural Sciences
- College of Social Sciences and Humanities
- College of Foreign Languages
- Faculty of Technology
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Education
- School of Business
- School of Graduate Studies
- Vietnam-Russia International School
(iv) Research Institutes and Centers
- Information Technology Institute
- Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
- Center for Biotechnology
- Center for Vietnamese and Intercultural Studies
- Center for Educational Quality Assurance and Research
- Training Center for Teachers of Political Theory
- Center for Systems Development
- Center for Women’s Studies
- Center for Co-operation in Mechanics Training
- Asia Research Center
(v) Functional Departments
- Administration Office
- Organization-Personnel Department
- International Relations Department
- Academic Affairs Department
- Science & Technology Department
- Planning-Finance Department
- Political-Students Affairs Department
- Capital Construction Department
- Inspection Department
(vi) Service Units
- Center for Information and Library
- Center for Student Residence
- Center for Ecological and Environmental Education in Ba Vi
- HNU Publishing House
- HNU Printing House
- HNU Journal of Science
- HNU Bulletin
(vii) Organizational Structure
(viii) HNU Statistics
Colleges, faculties and schools: 10
Institutes and research centers: 10
- Staff: 3,190
Out of which, the faculty is 1,548, which consists of:
· Professors: 99
· Associate professors: 222
· Doctors of Science: 49
· Ph.D. holders: 447
· Masters: 428
- Students: 52,517
· Undergraduate students: 47,660
Full-time: 16,875
Part-time: 30,765
· Graduate students: 1,578
· High school students: 1,069
· Gifted school students: 2,210
4. Location
At present, HNU has three campuses, located at the following addresses:
(i) 19, Le Thanh Tong Street (in the center of Hanoi);
(ii) 144, Xuan Thuy Road, Cau Giay (in the North West of Hanoi);
(iii) Thuong Dinh and Me Tri, 334-336 Nguyen Trai Road, Hanoi (in the West of Hanoi).
Apart from these locations, the University has also acquired 1,000 hectares in Hoa Lac, Thach That district, Ha Tay province. This area is located approximately 30 km to the North-West of Hanoi. This is being developed to meet the current demand for training and research facilities for HNU, with its projected full-time student body totalling 40,000 students.
5. Training
5.1. Training Programs
At present, HNU offers over 60 training disciplines according to two modes: full-time and part-time. Beside undergraduate training programs, HNU offers over 100 graduate and postgraduate training programs. In addition, HNU has a system of schools for gifted pupils in various fields. Beside Hanoi, HNU also offers its training undergraduate or graduate programs or joint training programs in other cities and provinces throughout the country.
The medium of instruction in HNU is Vietnamese. In joint training programs with foreign counterparts, HNU’s President decides to allow the medium of instruction to be foreign languages.
The duration of Master and Ph.D. training programs is 4 years, 2 years and from 2 to 4 years respectively.
Undergraduate programs require 210 credits, which must include:
· Common knowledge of the field of study;
· Common basic knowledge of specialization area;
· Specialized knowledge of the specialization.
5.2. Enrollment
(i) Undergraduate Training Programs
Students eligible for HNU’s undergraduate training programs must finish the upper-secondary programs or the vocational secondary programs and must pass the entrance examinations. Students from minority people’s families or from remote or disadvantaged areas are given priority in the enrollment process in accordance with a specific regulation by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Foreigners or overseas Vietnamese are also eligible for HNU’s undergraduate training programs if they have acquired the Certificate of General Education (Upper-secondary education, Graduation of Grade 12) or equivalents and if they have a good command of Vietnamese.
(ii) Master Training Programs
Students eligible for Master training programs must:
· Have a Bachelor’s Degree;
· Pass an entrance examination;
· Besides, excellent students can be automatically transferred to the Master training programs.
(iii) Doctoral/Ph.D. Training Programs
Students eligible for Doctoral/Ph.D. training programs must:
· Have a Master’s Degree; or
· Have a Bachelor’s Degree and have recorded excellent achievements in their study and research.
5.3 University Calendar
HNU follows a two-term calendar:
First term: begins in early September and ends in late January. This is followed by a two-week Tet holiday.
Second term: begins in Mid-February and ends in late June. A six-week Summer vacation starts in early July.
6. Scientific Research and Technology Transfer
HNU is not only a comprehensive training center of excellence but also a big center for scientific research with a contingent of experienced and highly qualified teaching staff and scientists. HNU is the focal point for science and technology in the sense that it can make plans for scientific and technological research and directly receives scientific and technological tasks from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Every year, the results of hundreds of scientific research projects at national level, HNU collegial level, ministerial level, which are highly appreciated, have been or are being applied to production and everyday life. A lot of scientific research projects within the framework of international co-operation are also highly evaluated and have made a contribution to the development of faculty/student exchanges and co-operation with international scientific and educational institutions. HNU has a system of research institutes and centers which have carried out research on important fields in the national strategic development, thus making an active contribution to scientific and technological development of the country.
7. International Relations
HNU has now developed close relationships and co-operation with about 100 higher education institutions, research institutes and educational organizations all over the world, particularly internationally recognized universities in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine,
the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and other countries.
These important linkages have contributed to the realization of the University’s important missions - excellence in training and research, which determines and improves its position, role and prestige worldwide.
Within fields that are mutually acceptable, the following general forms of co-operation might include:
· Visits by and exchange of undergraduate, graduate students for study and research;
· Visits by and interchange of staff for research, teaching and discussions;
· Exchange of information, library materials and research publications;
· Joint research activities;
· Provision of short-term academic programs for groups of students;
· Joint organization of national and international seminars, workshops, conferences;
Up to now, HNU has received many official visitors from different sectors and institutions in the world in order to identify the possibilities for establishing cooperative linkages with the University. The visits are then followed by the signing of memoranda of understanding proposing long-term co-operation and interests in upgrading manpower in various fields such as Information Technology, Business, Economics, Law, Environmental Science, Technology, Chemistry, New Materials, Social Sciences and Humanities.
On the basis of the mutually signed agreements, many large exchange and cooperative projects have been financially supported (12 major projects with the amount of 20,000,000 US dollars), developed and implemented thus helping to strengthen the development potential of HNU, improve its physical facilities and upgrade the qualification of its academic staff. HNU, yearly, sends a great number of faculty staff and researchers overseas for short-or long-term training courses, joint research projects, workshops and conferences. At the same time, local training courses, international/national workshops and conferences have been jointly organized between HNU and other sponsors, with the participation of experienced visiting professors. HNU also continuously receives students from Laos, Cambodia, USA, China, Ukraine, the Republic of Korea and Japan, etc., for short - or long-term courses and to do research in various fields. In addition, HNU has been provided important financial support and assistance from different international funds from USA, Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore and other countries for local and overseas scholarships for our best, but disadvantaged students (scholarships for local students: 81,600 USD/year).
Forging institutional links, HNU has become a member of regional associations such as AUN, AUAP, ASAIHL, ACEID, AUF, CONFRASIE, UMAP, etc… where common issues and concerns of higher education dealing with programs, resources and activities can be shared.
HNU encourages and appreciates further international linkages for mutual benefits and the overall development of higher education./.
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